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BD5 Baking Sugar Cookies..

I couldn't do Blogmas without doing some baking posts, as Christmas is all about the home cooking and freshly baked goods and the smell in the house just adds to the festivities.

So sugar cookies, a classic for all year round but to me sugar cookies scream Christmas more than anything, and obviously when cut like snowflakes it cant not shout Christmas.

These are super easy to make, even children can make them. I would say the prep time is about 10-15 mins and then 10 mins cooking and then obviously account for decorating time which will vary for everyone:)


For the cookies you will need;

*140g Icing Sugar

*1TSP vanilla Extract

*1 Egg Yolk

*250g Butter (Cut into small chunks)

*375g Flour

For the royal icing;

*225g Icing sugar

*1 Egg White

* Cold Water

Preheat the oven to 190'C. Using a wooden spoon, mix together the butter, icing sugar, vanilla extract and the egg yolk, setting the egg white aside as you will use it later! Cream together the mixture until it's all mixed together, then add the flour. Add in the flour a little bit at a time until it is all combined to form a dough. Wrap the dough in cling film and chill it in the fridge for around 30 mins. Spread some flour on the worktop and roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Using Christmassy cookie cutters, cut out shapes and carefully put them on a lined baking tray. I liked the starts as I thought they would look lovely when iced! You can either use small cutters to make lots of little biscuits, or one large one like the santa stamp, which I wish I had used more of as I think they look super cute! Put the tray(s) into the oven and bake for about 10 minutes until they are lightly golden brown (as you can see by the pictures mine are a little burnt:/). Carefully slide them off the tray and onto a cooling rack. While you wait for them to cool completely, make the icing. Using a mixer, and it must be an electric mixer or whisk if not as you need the egg whites to stiffen, mix together the icing sugar with the egg white, and add a teaspoon at a time of cold water if it feels too thick. Spoon the mixture into a piping bag with a thin nozzle, or cute the end if you don't have a small enough one. Pipe onto the completely cooled cookies. You can then decorate with sprinkles or whatever you fancy, I chose to add silver balls as I thought they just looked so cute!


So that's my sugar cookies, as you can see from the pictures they are not the neatest but that's what Homemade biscuits are like! I love this recipe and think that there so simple and easy but are perfect for the Christmas season. I also think that they could be a really nice gift done in a little bag with ribbon especially If you used different cutters and sizes you could stack them and wrap them in Clingfilm with ribbon. They may be perfect little gift for teachers too!

Hope your all getting organised and excited for Christmas and enjoying the xmas count down!! As always see you again tomorrow,

Evie x

Hi I'm Evie, I'm 16 years old and I'm battling many chronic illnesses. Here's my blog where I'm sharing my life with the world. I hope you enjoy and also more than anything I hope this helps with awareness and understanding of a world that some have never seen!

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